We want to promote our non-profit businesses and are here to help them in any way we can.
If you would like to donate to any of them, they can be reached through their respective links.​
Clinic with a Heart - www.clinicwithaheart.org
Mission: A faith-inspired organization, Clinic with a Heart serves people who are uninsured and underinsured through a ministry of healthcare. Our volunteers provide free healthcare with hospitality, dignity and grace
Foster Care Closet - www.fostercarecloset.org
Mission: We are passionate about restoring dignity to youth in crisis.
Linked2Literacy - www.linked2literacy.org
Mission: We inspire generations by providing inclusive books and literacy education through community partnerships.
Loaves & Fishes - lulusonnst@gmail.com
Mission: Feeding the hungry & bringing dignity back to the community.
Mosaic - www.mosaicinfo.org
Mission: Embracing God’s call, Mosaic relentlessly pursues opportunities that empower people.
Visionary Youth - www.visionaryouth.org
Mission: To impact families and change lives by supporting youth to reach their full potential.
We Can Do This - www.wecandothislincoln.org
Mission: We meet children, youth, and others where they are. We eliminate barriers through love, caring, understanding, and trust.
The White Cane Foundation - www.thewhitecanefoundation.org
Mission: Provide students with basic needs through a consistent presence. An emphasis will be placed on maintaining the dignity and respect of the individual. Students are empowered to go out in the world with confidence and independence to become their very best self.